Thursday, July 05, 2007

luxor,Aswan and now cairo

Dear lord

am sooo old and the longer this crazy trek continues the more i realise that Newbie and i are old beyond our time. Any given opportunity we find a cafe and have a tea fix!The girls have so much energy and are so much fun alhamdulilah that sometimes we just don't realise were the time has gone.

After level 3 i needed sometime to just let loose and this has certainly been it. You can imagine how excitable 9 girls all makes me laugh alhamdulilha

I have a lot of tails to tell but its past 2am and i have a 6 hour bus ride to sinai and then a climb so am going to go to sleep and see just how fit i am now as compared to 2 years ago when i got to the top by foot.


Ever The Idealist said...

salam my lovely. dont say it has been two years already. lord the time is flying is not? will ofcourse pick you up IA Ameen. anyone coming with you?

NATIVE said...

Glad you enjoying yourself....8days left huh? cant wait to see your beautiful face your flight in the morning?

The Godfather said...

It's too bad we gotta get old one day.

NM said...

ETI: Yay! didn't you think it was strange that i asked for a lift? since i always go by taxi and return by too

Native: you and me too love

GF: if it comes with abundant tea am good with this aging thing :)

Anonymous said...

Luxor and Aswan, how I love those spots? Enjoy and be well!

Firefly said...

Hey Naima. Hope all is well!