Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am back

Yep am back in rainy ole manchester, alhamdulilah couldn't be better family, friends and my beloved rain. i have arrived


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back home, safe and sound!

lostkitty said...

yay! happy to know it!

When can we meet up?!

abdulaziz said...

Salaam pretty,
i love your blog.i have been reading your blog evey time you post.i believe you had a good stay in egypt and learnt alot.wish you all the best .
please keep posting.

NATIVE said...

It is great 2 have you back Nemo!!

Manchester has missed their dose of the one and only NM :)

Firefly said...

Welcome back!

white african said...

welcome back banana

alhamdullilah you made it back safe and sound.

missed you loads.

speak and c u soon inshallah

NM said...

aww thanks guys its great to be back nothing like mummys cooking or seeing how things have changed and yet at the same time have remained the same.