Sunday, September 02, 2007

moment of truth

It’s finally here! I have my counselling course interview this Wednesday although the course starts in September. Talk about last minute but I had to rearrange my July interview because I had the flu. So here I am waiting for a life changing decision for the first time in a long time I actually REALLY want to do something so please lots of du’as this way and inshallah khayr.


Mirza Subasic said...

Salam Naima...

white african said...

congrats hun, a thousand camles coming your way, cant wait to hear all about your experinces in counselling

NM said...

Mirza! wasalam brother, how is life in bosnia give my love to all.

Whitey: lol, i wonder what i can do with a thousand camels...;) awww alhamdulilah walahi it great. i cant wait to actually start and get my teeth stuck into it all.

shukran for all the advice sweetie

NATIVE said...

You will make a great counsellor's perfect for you.

NM said...

aww shukran habibty, means a lot to me especially as i think i have finally stopped searching ;)