Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hijab a protection

Wednesday I had a meeting with some people from connexions for the project I am co-ordinating at work, essentially the meeting went well and it was a good experience for the young ladies. But the highlight for me other then falling out of the bus, instead of stepping off it (I didn’t hurt myself, alhamdulilah it just looked ridiculous) was

When we started talking about youth and crime, so am sat there scribbling away and creating mind maps because they are all talking so fast when one of the service providers starting commenting on young male gang members and their effect on young women and how one of the forms of proving their masculinity other then violence is how many girls they can get…blah ..blah..

When he mentions witnessing the case of young hijabi’s in the vicinity of rouge looking gang members (usually at the reception or youth club) and not one of them bothers them and how this is the case again and again

There we go out of the mouth of a non-muslim male confirming what Allah has taught us.

"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall LENGTHEN their garments. Thus, they will be recognized and avoid being insulted. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." 33:59


NATIVE said...

Right on!

NM said...

i was suprised and pleased that he had observed that :)

Anonymous said...

about time people realised

NM said...

So unexpected yet so delightful

NM said...

eh i might wear skirts more often if i had such an incentive. Is it just me or do you feel lanky when you wear a long skirt??